
Datum21. August 2004
Division mixed


-16 Mixed-Teams -Reichlich Felder -Spielen, Schlafen, Frühstück, Party; alles auf’m Gelände wie letztes Jahr, zentral und gut mit Öffis zu erreichen -Die üblichen Annehmlichkeiten -Gezapftes Bier -zwei Wochen vor der Mixed-DM Startgeld pro Team: 150 Europro Spieler: 0 Euro Es wird Mixed 3-4 ohne Kompromisse gespielt. Wir haben genügend Kapazitäten für viel Spielzeit, also bitte bitte nur Anmelden, wenn Ihr genug Leute seid (mindestens 5 von jeder Sorte). Meldeschluss ist der 31.05. (Pfingstmontag). Wir werden eine recht hohe internationale Quote haben.


Bericht vom 08.55.2004, 12:55:21

Mail von Christoph Dehnhardt an die Wurfpost wegen Junimond Mixed Results and L&F

Hi everybody,

Leipzig Junimond is over. We thank all teams for having been here with such great spirit. We are especially happy about the fact that all teams played real Mixed, i.e. had enough women, and no team cancelled later than 4 weeks before the tournament.

Teams came with surprisingly strong rosters, and the competition was tough. Many german teams used this occasion to get into gear for Mixed Nationals. In the semis, Saxy Divers beat Endzonis in a nailbiter game, but in the final had to concede to FUJ, who was pretty much cruising through the tournament with some help of two Aussie national players. One team that sticks out is ATRUC from Plzen; not only did they finish quite a bit higher than their seed, but they also won the spirit award. Congratulations!! The standings:

Spirit Award: ATRUC (Atrofovane Ruce)

Flubber Guts winners: Katja/Erik (Leipzig)

  1. FUJ Prague
  2. Saxy Divers Leipzig
  3. TiB Berlin
  4. Endzonis Rostock
  5. Prague Devils
  6. Hallunken Halle
  7. ATRUC Plzen
  8. Terrible Monkeys Prague
  9. Drehst'n Deckel
  10. Airpussies Berlin +
  11. Funatics Hannover 0
  12. Saxy Divers Too Leipzig -
  13. Drehscheibenkombinat Leipzig

We hope to see you all again next year. We'll try to have the fireworks again.

Ciao, Saxy Divers

Lost and found:

  • 1 sweatshirt , black „Funstorm“
  • 1 jacket, black, zipper, XXL, Marke Cricket
  • 1 sweatshirt „Army of Darkness“ (belongs to TiB)
  • 1 hooded sweatshirt, khaki, XXL, Nike
  • 1 pullover, olive, blue sleeves, M, Delaney
  • 1 T-shirt, dark blue, “NAFF”, small
  • 1 T-shirt, blue, “worlds 2000 heilbronn”
  • 1 slip, black, female, attractive
  • 1 black sock
  • 1 contact lens container, green and white
  • 1 complete set of cutlery
  • 2 knives (1“rostfrei Solingen", 1 decorated handle)

all been washed in the meantime Where shall you meet again?

Hannover Sommerglühen Leipzig FKK tournament Stuttgart Mixed-DM

Let me know what to bring.

Christoph Dehnhardt


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